
2025 CAN/AM March 22nd Buffalo, NY


Application deadline March 1st

LOCATION - Nichols School 1250 Amherst St., Buffalo, NY 14216
Nichols Overhead Map

Tickets and Trainer Passes. Pro Shop Tickets can be purchased the day of the show cash only.
Pre-Judging 10:30am - $25
Finals 2pm - $35
All Day Pass - $50 (Pre and Night)
Trainer Pass - $75

Things To Do Near The Show - Things To Do







WAIVER: By your accepting my application to the 2025 CAN/AM Nationals Natural Bodybuilding, Physique, Figure & Bikini Championships, along with my nonrefundable entry fee, I hereby intend to be legally bound for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, and waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I may have against Natural Muscle Association LLC (Manager Jerome Marsala), Nichols School, NaturalMuscle.com, any and all sponsors, agents, representatives and assigns for any and all injuries and/or losses suffered by me as a result of my participation and/or attendance and traveling to the 2025 CAN/AM Nationals Natural Bodybuilding, Physique, Figure & Bikini Championships,  March 22nd, 2025. I also grant NaturalMuscle.com, Natural Muscle Association LLC (Manager Jerome Marsala) Permission to use photos, videos or any likeness of myself to promote any future contests, videos, internet social media, magazines or any other media involved with future and present contests for the purpose of promotion and/or sales of these media, without any compensation to myself, as condition of my entering the event.  If I do not wish to have my photos used in any future promotional media I understand that it is my responsibility to notify the promoter of the event & Natural Muscle Association LLC. I also agree, by my own free will and without duress, to take a polygraph test and/or submit a urine sample. I also agree to the outcome of the tests results from the polygraph examiner and/or urinalysis center.  I understand that any retests are done at the competitor’s expense I will abide by all Natural Muscle Association rules and show good sportsmanship.  By signing and submission of this form I am stating that I am Drug Free and will abide by the Natural Muscle Association drug test policies and procedures. GOVERNING LAW. The laws of the state of New York State govern this agreement (without giving effect to its conflicts of law principles). If either party employs attorneys to enforce any rights arising out of or relating to this agreement, the losing party shall reimburse the prevailing party for its reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs.

DIVISIONS - All divisions may be adjusted due to particpation
Men's Bodybuilding:
1st Time (This is your very first time competing in a Bodybuilding contest)
Masters Over 60/50/40
Open (National & Elite Qualifier)
Classic Physique

Men’s Open Weight Classes
Light Weight Under 156lb
Middle Weight Over 156lb to 172lb
L/Heavy Weight Over 172lb to 189lb
Heavy Weight Over 189

Men's Physique
1st Time (This is your very first time competing in a Physique contest)
Masters Over 40
Open (Elite Qualifier)

Women's Physique
Open (Elite Qualifier)

Women's Bikini
1st Time (This is your very first time competing in a Bikini contest)
Bikini Mom
Over 45
Over 35
Open (Elite Qualifier)

Women's Figure
1st Time (This is your very first time competing in a Figure contest)
Figure Mom
Over 45
Over 35
Open (Elite Qualifier)

Women's Wellness


Figure & Bikini Open Height Classes
5’3” and Under
Over 5’3” to 5’6”
Over 5’6”

Bikini, Figure, Men & Women Physique Competitors. You must send a photo copy of your license for height verification. You can do this by:
email: naturalmuscle@gmail.com
Photo Text: 716-553-4905

ENTRY FEE - There Is No Drug Test Fee
$110 Amature, $150 Elite (US Currency) No Personal Checks after March 12th. Make payable to:  Natural Muscle Association LLC. Cross-Over $65 Entries accepted after March 1st will be charged a $30 late fee.  See attached entry and ticket order form. Entries may be limited. All competitors must either have or purchase a Natural Muscle Association membership card $65 ($85 Pro)

Bodybuilders - One piece-posing suit.  Women’s Physique/Figure/Bikini - 2 piece bikini-style swimsuit. Figure and Bikini wear heals. Women's Physique do not wear heals. Men’s Physique - Competitors will wear board shorts.

MP3 format.  Maximum of 90 Sec. for Bodybuilders.  NO PROFANITY IN POSING MUSIC.Email your music to naturalmuscle@gmail.com no later than March 8th. Bikini, Figure, and Men's Physique will walk to house music.

All contestants will be subject to urinalysis testing for illegal and/or medically prescribed performance enhancing drugs – BANNED SUBSTANCES:. All results are final.  By competing in this contest you agree to the results from the urine testing company. If you test positive to any of the NMA banned substances you forgo your placing, all awards and status and are banned from all NMA contests. Results are confidential. Any retests are done at the competitor’s expense. There is no longer a fee.


Purchase NMA Card

Men’s Open Bodybuilding
Men’s Masters Bodybuilding
Men's Physique
Bikini Open
Figure Open

Women's Physique Open

Here is how Cross Overs work:

can Cross Over in the Bikini categories only. Bikini cannot cross over into Figure or Physique.

Figure can Cross Over in the Figure categories and Physique. Figure cannot cross over into Bikini.

Womens Physique can Cross Over in the Figure category. Physique cannot cross over into Bikini.

Mens Bodybuilding can crossover within the Men's Bodybuilding categories and Men's Physique.

Men's Physique can crossover within the Men's Physique categories and Men's Bodybuilding.

1st Time means you have never competed in that catagory.

Novice means you have never won a Novice division or placed top 3 in a Open division in any organization.