Wellness Judging
Judges are looking for muscularity along with symmetry,
vascularity, poise, and conditioning and the competitor’s presentation of her physique.
Attire: Will be a 2 piece bikini-style swimsuit (T-back bottom permitted but not mandatory). This will be used for both the morning and night show. Foot attire is necessary and heals are commonly worn for both rounds.
Description of quarter turns:
Front: Relaxed erect stance, head and eyes facing the same direction as the body, heels together, feet inclined outward at a 30deg angle, knees together and unbent, stomach in, chest out, shoulders back, both arms hanging relaxed and at the side along the center-line of the body, elbows slightly bent, tips of the fingers resting lightly near the hips.
Quarter Turn Right: Relaxed erect stance, head and eyes facing front, heels together, feet inclined outward at a 30deg angle, knees close together and my be slightly bent, stomach in, chest out, shoulders back, left arm hanging relaxed and slightly back from the center-line of the body with a slight bend at the elbow, right arm hanging relaxed and slightly front of the center-line of the body with a slight bend at the elbow or right hand can be placed on hip. The positioning of the arms will cause the upper body to twist slightly left with the left shoulder lowered and the right shoulder raised.
Quarter Turn Back: Relaxed erect stance, head and eyes facing the same direction as the body, heels together, feet inclined outward at a 30deg angle, knees together and unbent, stomach in, chest out, shoulders back, both arms hanging relaxed and at the side along the center-line of the body, elbows slightly bent, tips of the fingers resting lightly near the hips.
Quarter Turn Right: Relaxed erect stance, head and eyes facing front, heels together, feet inclined outward at a 30deg angle, knees close together and my be slightly bent, stomach in, chest out, shoulders back right arm hanging relaxed and slightly back from the center-line of the body with a slight bend at the elbow, left arm hanging relaxed and slightly front of the center-line of the body with a slight bend at the elbow or left hand can be placed on hip. The positioning of the arms will cause the upper body to twist slightly right with the right shoulder lowered and the left shoulder raised.
Figure Walk: Competitors will start off stage to house music. Click Here to see the stage walk positions. At each pause the competitor is allowed 2 Figure poses/stances. Bodybuilding poses are not allowed. Any additional poses may result in a deduction of score.
Judging Criteria
All competitors will be judged and compared on the following;
1. Body shape: This is how the muscle groups are shaped. Judges will look for rounded muscle groups that are pleasing to the eye. The condition of the skin and the skin tone and the athlete’s ability to present herself with confidence, poise and grace.
2. Symmetry: This is the balance of how all the muscle groups fit together. Judges will look for harmony and proportion of the physique. The body structure should have an equal ratio of torso to leg length, shoulders to hips etc. Harmony and proportion also include upper body to lower body development should be in parity and fit together. Symmetry will be judged similar as that to a bodybuilding competition with the idea in mind that the judge will be looking for a Fitness Type physique not excessive large muscle groups. The physique should be assessed as to its level of overall muscle tone, achieved through athletic endeavors.
3. Muscle Tone: The muscle groups should have a round and firm appearance with a small amount of body fat. Judges will look for separations between major muscle groups (ex. biceps to triceps) but not striations in the muscle groups. The key word is "physically fit". Too much muscularity would take away from the "physically fit” look. Muscle tone also means absence of fat and water with a sense of overall body hardness. Judges will also look for the even balance of muscle tone througout the entire body..
4. Stage presence: Appearance, Charisma, Professionalism.
5. Swimsuit: Must be of two piece style for women. The competitor may utilize any style they choose as long as it is within good taste. The promoter and or NMA regional chairperson has the right to ban any swimsuit that is not within good taste. The swimsuit should enhance the competitors look. |